Driving while intoxicated isn’t the only crime it’s possible to commit on Minnesota roads. If you’re arrested for driving in a way that endangers other road users, you may be charged with criminal vehicular operation. Read More...
Driving while impaired (DWI) isn’t just about alcohol. In Minnesota, you can (under certain circumstances) face a DWI charge if you’re driving under the influence of prescription drugs. Read More...
A DWI conviction in Minnesota can have consequences that reach beyond fines, jail time, and a criminal record. If you’re a professional in a specially-licensed field like medicine, law, education, or real estate, a DWI conviction might jeopardize your ability to continue working. Read More...
Hundreds of thousands of people appear in court for driving-related issues in the United States every year. According to data from the American Addiction Centers, there are around 344 arrests for DWI offenses per 100,000 people in the state of Minnesota alone every year. Read More...
If you get your instruction permit at 15, you could be on the road for almost six years before you’re legally allowed to drink alcohol. Though it’s never legal to drink excessively and drive, the limits are even stricter for those who aren’t permitted to drink at all. Read More...
According to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, there were around 34,000 electric vehicles (EVs) registered in the state at the beginning of last year. Given the rising popularity of electric cars and trucks, this figure could increase significantly over the coming years. Read More...
According to a recent report from the Motley Fool, the average annual cost of motor insurance in Minnesota is now $2,909. Though this is slightly less than the national average, it’s still a sizable amount of money. Read More...
According to AutoInsurance.com, Minnesota is among the states with the highest rate of DWI conviction in the United States. Around 4% of our state’s residents reportedly have a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol. Read More...
Every crime is either a felony or a misdemeanor, with the former being the more serious of the two. But, when it comes to misdemeanors vs. felonies, what are the key differences, and what are the practical implications of each when you’ve been convicted? Read More...
The possession and cultivation of marijuana for personal use became legal in Minnesota at the beginning of August, drastically changing the landscape in the state in terms of drug enforcement. Read More...